TikTok Analyzes 2021 Trends in Its Report

  • 28-02-2022 |
  • Abigail Davis

TikTok has grown from an entertainment content app to a powerful platform for creativity and business (especially mCommerce) in a short amount of time. The company strives to help creators and brands develop and promote. Therefore, for the second year in a row, it has released analytical reports on trends for the past year. In February 2022, the company published a comprehensive edition that will help you develop a strategy for the future based on the analysis of past user activity.

For each region and country in which TikTok has a presence, a 35-page report has been published, dubbed “What’s Next.” The insights, ideas, and platform performance statistics described in it should help you plan and create the most in-demand content in the coming year. Hashtags were taken as the basis of this study, as they are the main indicators of what users of this social network are interested in.

The authors paid close attention to the most popular categories, and in each country, they differ. For example, self-care, financial services, food, and gaming were relevant for the USA in 2021. At the same time, Australia was more interested in traveling, news, outdoor activities, and sports. Somewhere the most relevant hashtags are similar, elsewhere they are very different. While creating content, you can take into account the needs of a specific target audience, as well as use the tips and recommendations from the authors.

Each of the reports provided has data on the TikTokMadeMeBuyIt hashtag, which shows how actively users buy what they see on this platform. Also, special attention is paid to the music and sound design of TikTok posts and how brands can attract new customers by cooperating with young musicians. Are such reports a source of valuable information for you? What ideas do you plan to use if you have already studied the information?

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