Reels Are on Facebook Worldwide Now

  • 02-03-2022 |
  • Jackson Matthew

With the Reels option, you can create 30-second videos for Instagram. Last summer, information appeared that Facebook was testing the addition of this feature on its platform. After some time, it became available to users from the United States. Finally, the company announced that it is launching Reels worldwide, in over 150 countries. Mexico and Canada will be joined first, and more regions will be added gradually.

Now you can create and edit short vertical videos not only on Instagram but also on Facebook. According to the company, Reels will be displayed in the news feed and Stories, as well as other places (where exactly, representatives did not specify). Your followers can like them and leave their comments. It is another convenient way to tell the world about yourself. To some extent, it resembles the TikTok content, which Facebook strives to compete in every possible way.

You have a fairly extensive list of settings at your disposal, in which you can set blocklist, delivery reports, inventory filters, and so on. All of this gives you more control over your ad placements. By the way, the video editor has also received some updates. Now you have the “Remix” feature and the opportunity to record 60-second videos instead of the 30-second ones found on Instagram.

Recall that you can monetize your creativity and earn money with this tool. And if you want to claim bonuses from the company, you can try to get into the Reels Play program and qualify for a payout of up to $35000. If your short videos reach 1000 views within 30 days, you will receive this amount. Participation in the program is available by invitation, so check out the platform requirements if you think you can reach these milestones.

How do you feel about TikTok-like functionality on Facebook? Do you plan to use Reels on this platform?

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