New Minions and Other Updates in Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  • 01-09-2021 |
  • Abigail Davis

The gameplay of the popular Hearthstone Battlegrounds game has just received quite a number of updates – both new additions and removals. Players can now enjoy a lot of new cards, buffs, minions, and nerfs.

The game now has an Avenge keyword that ‘does something after (x) friendly minions die,’ so it can be used by some players in the game, and the results will be different depending on a minion. As part of this update, the developers decided to remove a range of different minions from Tavern Tiers. When it comes to Tavern Tier 1, they eliminated Vulgar Homunculus, Fiendish Servant, Dragonspawn Lieutena Murloc Tidecaller, and Micro Machine. As for Tier 2, the game will no longer feature Steward of Time, Kindly Grandmother, Tormented Ritualist, Pack Leader, Southsea Captain, and Waxrider Togwaggle. There have also been a bunch of removals in the 3-6 Tavern Tiers.

When it comes to the additions of heroes, there are several of them. The gameplay gets a hero named Cariel Roam with the growth skill. But the most exciting hero in the arena is certainly Master Nguyen as he has the ‘power of the storm’ as his skill. The official release date for the heroes is September 14th, but those who have Battlegrounds Perks can have early access to them.

As for other updates, developers decided to remove Darkmoon Prizes entirely as the new season begins. The length of every 3-9 turn will now be 5 seconds longer. Also, Battleground ratings will be reset for all the players.

Do you play Hearthstone Battlegrounds? What are your thoughts on this update with its additions and removals? Tell us your opinion in the comments below and share the news with fellow Hearthstone Battlegrounds fans.

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