New Genshin Impact’s Merch Policy for Fanfic Writers

  • 17-11-2021 |
  • Jackson Matthew

Free multiplayer game Genshin Impact delighted their players with an update that allows fanfiction authors to share their creativity with other fans without restrictions. MiHoYo game studio stated that fans would be able to create their own stories with characters from the game’s universe and even sell their content. This update is a big step for Genshin Impact and its community because now fans have clear rules for physical products selling.

New Policy Rules

According to new information from the Genshin website, novels, short stories, and other literary works do not need to be officially declared. In other words, creators no longer need to fill out special forms to inform the company that they are going to make a profit from the stories related to Genshin Impact.

For many writers, popular franchises are a dangerous selling ground. Some creators recognized that it was safer to work with smaller projects to avoid legal problems. Previously, it was not known whether printed fanfictions of Genshin Impact related to something that needed to be declared.

Restrictions on the Sale of Products

Some fans sell physical products on various sites, such as eBay, conventions, and other events. They face the same problems as fanfiction authors. MiHoYo is trying to update its policies so that creators can sell their products in limited quantities. Items such as T-shirts, fan-art, and cloth dolls were previously limited to 200 units but have now been raised to 500.

Despite significant indulgences for the creators, there are restrictions on the use of the game’s characters. You still cannot use the official screenshots or perform actions that could damage the reputation of the company. What do you think about this update? How will the game community react? Feel free to leave your comments below and share the article if you liked it.

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