Google Play Store Will Have a New Tab for Non-Smartphone Apps

  • 26-09-2022 |
  • Jackson Matthew

In the past, the only things that you could download from Google Play Store were smartphone apps and updates. Many years have passed and Google has attempted to introduce new options into its Store, allowing people to purchase music, movies, etc. Overall, this attempt wasn’t that successful, however, Play Store did provide a great platform for apps that run on smartwatches, tablets, TVs, and cars. As a result, Google decided to make navigation a lot simpler by separating smartphone apps and apps for other devices.

9to5Google was among the first to spot the new “Other devices” tab that can be found on Play Store’s homepage. Once you tap on it, you will be presented with 3 different options:

  • Smartwatch
  • TV
  • Car

After you tap on one of the options, you will be presented with nine category-based carousels.

The new tab doesn’t provide users with any new features but instead serves as a quality-of-life feature allowing people to view all of the non-smartphone apps in a single place, making it easier to download and install them. As a result, your smartphone can be used as a central hub that can be used to install apps on all of your other devices.

The new feature is in the process of being rolled out, so fairly soon you will be able to see it on your smartphone.
What do you think about the new ‘Other devices’ tab? Do you use smartwatches and other similar devices? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

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