Google Offers $5 Million for Ukraine Relief

  • 23-03-2022 |
  • Abigail Davis

On March 18, Google announced that it will gather $5 million in public donations via its charitable department The money is said to go for Ukraine’s humanitarian relief immediately to help the Ukrainian nation torn by the war. You can contribute to the program by April 30. Read on for more details. 

Not Too Much?

While the current announced volume of financial help gathered for Ukraine is only $5, we hope that the organization will generate a significantly higher volume as the program will last until April 30. For example, the mother company and Google employees have already provided over $25 million. 

The Russian military invasion of Ukraine doesn’t seem to stop, though, which suggests that aid efforts must not stop until any clarity in the future situation appears. If Google unites with other big tech companies, this effort will be easily possible. The damage to the country is alredy estimated in tens of billions of dollars. Over 3 million refugees need humanitarian help abroad, while over 35 million stay in the country due to the Russian blockade, the lack of green corridors, the absence of transportation, and financial issues. 

The Russian invasion started on February 24 and may lead to unpredictable consequences for the entire world. Refugees are fighting for their lives and need our help. In addition to, you can donate to such organizations as UNICEF, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, The United Nations World Food Program, or WFP. You can find more options online too. 

Helping Ukraine

While it’s hard to accurately estimate the amount of aid needed, the best decision is to keep donating for as long as possible. The earlier you do it, the faster your help is realized. You can offer humanitarian organizations in the comments below and share this post with everyone on social media to draw more attention to the problem.

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