Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War & Warzone to Launch a New Season

  • 08-08-2021 |
  • Abigail Davis

Whatever they say, the Call of Duty franchise has a lot to offer and is far from exhaustion. One of the latest installments, Black Ops Cold War (and fully supported within it Warzone, a Battle Royale spin-off) is going on a new season, and it will be spectacular and loud. The trailer has been published, and it shows a lot in two minutes.

The setting is the same: we are still in the 1980s, spy games go on, and the black operations we conduct are too loud to remain clandestine. Now Stitch, one of Perseus’s men, is completing his next operation, involving a mind-controlling broadcast (this process is shown in the trailer). Woods with his squad is a moment too late: the signal is on air, and his troops turn on each other.

What should you expect in terms of gameplay? Well, there is a new operator – the patch-eyed one who uploaded the broadcast. There are some new weapons to be spotted during the final brawl, including a new rifle and a new pistol, though little is shown about them. Finally, there are new plot points that influence the entire action.

If you don’t own the story-based Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, you may enjoy this setting with a free-to-play Call of Duty: Warzone. This Battle Royale multiplayer game uses the same characters as CoD: BOCW, and the progress is synced across them, so if you have some weapons, armor, and other stuff in one game, you can access that stuff in another.

The date when the new season starts is already announced, and it’s August 12. Prepare your gamepads, practice your favorite tricks, check the optics, and refresh the previous events if you please. You don’t have to, though: everything is explained as it goes. The update will be available on all the platforms, including next- and last-gen consoles as well as PC, with perfect compatibility for cross-platform matching.

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